Programme Goals:
To extend and support the scholarly exchange between Harvard University and University of Cambridge by providing Herchel Smith PhD Students the opportunity to work for a short time in research labs at the partner school.
The call for applications is now open!
Applications will be review on rolling basis for a lab exchange in summer or fall 2025 [summer months are recommended due to wider accessibility of student accommodation]. 4th year students at Cambridge would have to complete the exchange before the end of their Studentship’s tenure.
All Cambridge Herchel Smith students are eligible to apply. Selection of Exchange Scholars and approving the lab exchanges will be carried out by a joint Herchel Smith Faculty Advisory Committee with members from both Harvard and Cambridge. Criteria for ranking applications will include the relevance of the scientific proposal to the thesis work.
Cambridge students should send their application materials to Herchel Smith Fund herchelsmith@admin.cam.ac.uk, applications will be evaluated as they are received.
Herchel Smith Exchange Scholar applications should include all of the following:
- A C.V.
- A written statement describing a single Specific Aim to be addressed during the lab exchange. The Aim should describe the scientific question, how it will be addressed and how this work supports the applicant’s thesis project (1 page maximum)
- A letter of support from the student’s thesis advisor
- A letter of support from the host lab
Structure of the Exchange:
Herchel Smith PhD Students exchanges are expected to support a collaboration, whether new or ongoing; provide specialized training; or support access to unusual resources.
Students will have a broad choice of labs at Harvard University and University of Cambridge (i.e. it is not necessary for the host labs to currently have a Herchel Smith professor or PhD Student in residence).
Exchange periods should be either 4 or 8 weeks. A maximum of two Harvard students and two Cambridge students may participate each year.
Funding/Allowed Costs:
A budget of up to $5,000 will be available for students participating for a period of 4 weeks, and a budget of up to $7,000 will be available for students participating for a period of 8 weeks. These funds should cover all costs associated with travel and lodging during the exchange period. Visas will be required for most students; students will be responsible for obtaining the visa and may use the award to pay associated fees. Programme/university staff are available for guidance on finding accommodation, but students will be responsible for making their own arrangements.
Administrative Approval Process:
There will be an open competition for participation in the Exchange Programme each year.
Selection of Exchange Scholars and approving the lab exchanges will be carried out by a joint Herchel Smith Faculty Advisory Committee with members from both Harvard and Cambridge. Criteria for ranking applications will include the relevance of the scientific proposal to the thesis work and the seniority of the student.